Thursday 9 August 2012

Oh, Dad.

I just heard a great message on my voice mail.

Hubby recorded the welcome message for our voice mail and he did it in both languages, French and English. This way people know we're bilingual and can leave a message in whichever language they wish. My dad, even though his French is more of a "I-can-get-by" kind of French, will always leave a little bit of his message in French. This time, though, he went all out:

Bonjooor!!!! C'est ton père, uhhh... grandpère....belle-pè wait..beau-père!!

He then proceeds to leave the most detailed description of when he called and how to reach him (even though I know his cell number by heart):

Melissa, this message is for you. If you could please call me back. It's 1:20pm on...uh...Thursday. 7**-7***!!!

By this time I know he's subconsciously slipped into his real estate agent mode because he sounds almost like a television commercial.
By the time the message finished I was walking around restlessly waiting for him to finish so I could hang up and call him back. It reminded me of when we were younger and he would ask us kids to get something and then give us the most in-depth directions ever.

Go into the house. Go into my office. Go into the drawer. The middle drawer, not the top one and not the bottom one. The middle drawer. Open it. When you open it, look on the LEFT. Don't look on the right because it's just paper clips and that's not what you want. Look on the left. The paper I need is underneath the stapler. Move the stapler. It should be right there. So. Go into the house... repeat.

I was making fun of my sister the other day for doing it to my niece but she said she kind of understands why our dad did it: because kids have an attention span that lasts about as long as a bubble. You need to be clear and you need to be specific. 

On a happy note, I went last night for a full body massage and this time around, I really enjoyed myself. I was more comfortable since I had been to this massage therapist before and since my dad sent her my blog post about my first visit! Thankfully she wasn't offended or anything but actually thanked me for reminding her what it's like to be the client. I was a lot less consumed with what she must be thinking about my body. I also talked to her, which I didn't do the first time because I didn't think I'd want that. I don't like talking while getting my hair done or when getting manicures so I figured it would be the same. But I actually enjoyed our conversation. So hurray for me!

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