Friday 20 April 2012


TGIF, eh?

Who knew that you still look forward to Fridays when you're a SAHM? In fact, I feel each day of the week like most other people. The weekend means help from hubby during the day. It means I just might get a nap and I can wake up on my own rather than because Jr woke up before me. It means something out of the ordinary. I'm so glad it's here!

Little Monster with Jr
Yesterday Jr and I visited our friends M and her daughter, Little Monster. I call her Little Monster because she loves to growl. It scares Jr half to death but I think it's pretty funny. LM is 6 months older than Jr; it's amazing to see what a difference half a year makes. It's also interesting to see what different personalities they have. LM can be told 'no' a thousand times and she'll still go back for more. I told Jr 'no' once yesterday while we were there and she started crying hysterically. If Jr takes a toy from LM, LM will either take it back or find something else. If LM takes a toy from Jr, Jr will cry and M will force LM to give it back. What surprises me, though, is if LM wants to play with a toy with Jr together. Jr will yell at her and try to hit her! She reminds me of a little yip-yip dog barking at a huge Doberman.

Peter Rabbit & Jr at the park
The day before yesterday we visited with Jr's boyfriend, Peter Rabbit and his mom, L. PR is one month younger than Jr (my baby is a cradle robber, what can I say). Again, if PR tries to touch something Jr is playing with, all hell breaks loose. PR is much more happy-go-lucky.

The nice thing about Jr playing with other babies/infants is that she can see what other people her age are doing. I swear it was her cousin, Jelly Bean, who inspired her to crawl. LM is walking, of course, but so is PR. I'm hoping that with a little more time, it'll rub off on her (not that I'm in such a rush to have her walking and getting into all sorts of things).

In other news, last night Jr had her first major mishap in the bathtub. Sure, she's fallen over before but this is the first time she smacked her mouth against the side of the tub and drew blood. Hubby was holding her in his arms as she was bawling and I could see a pool of blood in her mouth. I'm sure it looked worse than it was but I have to say there's nothing like seeing your kid bleeding. Your heart jumps into your throat and you wish you could heal them instantaneously. Anyway, long story short she is fine and I'll recover.

Shout Outs:
Happy birthday to my SIL, whose birthday is today!
Wishing my MIL gets well soon!

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