Tuesday 17 April 2012

The Blustery Day (Putting It Mildly)

Unfortunately, yesterday didn't get much better. It reminds me of Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day. It's crazy windy all day, things flying all over the place and Winnie the Pooh is trying to visit everyone else despite the weather. Well, "the blustery day turned into a blustery night", which frankly became a lot scarier at night. "To Pooh, it was an anxious sort of night." (Hence the shotgun.)
This is how I felt yesterday as the day wore on. (Minus the shotgun.) From a crazy whirlwind morning to a crazy whirlwind night with me getting more and more anxious as the day wore on. One bad nap led to much grouchiness and many temper tantrums, which led to another bad nap and more grouchiness and temper tantrums. It was one of those days where nothing productive happens, unless you count making a mess throughout the entire house because you're just so relieved your kid found something to do quietly, even if it means emptying the entire contents of their diaper bag all over the living room floor.

We went for a walk, which was actually a success. Jr almost fell asleep, too. I would have kept walking if she had. I would have walked and walked and walked, soaking up the peace. Sadly, she fought it like nobody's business. By the time we got home I was sweating and thirsty and while she was a little happier, it didn't improve things all that much.

She's not even two yet! I thought the horrible tantrums were supposed to happen later?? It doesn't matter what I say 'no' to: touching the laptop, throwing food on the floor, being rough with her books (I don't even have to say 'no', just 'be gentle' and the waterworks start), she will FREAK OUT. Tears and tears and tears, along with screaming and throwing herself back.

I think what gets my goat the most is when daddy comes home, she becomes sugar and spice and everything nice. She becomes the little angel you see to your right. 

She looks innocent and sweet. But don't be fooled! She can turn faster than an ice cube can melt outside in July!

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