Monday 16 July 2012

Stuff To Do and A Fussy Toddler

Hubby has gone back to work. In many ways it doesn't even feel like he had a vacation. Gone by 8am and home by 8:30pm with renos in between, there wasn't much time to enjoy his break from his job. Fortunately the in-laws took Jr for a night so we were able to see a movie and sleep in the next day, which was vacation-y.

The house has somewhat gone back to normal although it definitely needs a second cleaning. Then there is all the usual stuff I do from week to week, like the laundry and grocery shopping. Add on to that work for my dad (well, my dad's company), work for our church and other odds and ends and I have before me a full week ahead. 

For me the most difficult part is deciding where to start. So naturally, I've decided to go the route of least resistance, which consists of a blog post and Facebook updates for my dad's company and our church.

Yesterday we went to Mass and I noticed a young family that I had seen many times before. But this time the wife/mom didn't have her pregnant belly anymore! I decided I would approach them afterward and introduce myself. I'm really glad hubby and I decided to start sitting in the back with the other young families. Not so much for ourselves, but because I'm hoping that we can make them feel at home and then maybe inspire them to become involved in the parish.

Anyhow, the wife/mom's name is Melissa, so that's a good sign, right? Hubby and I are thinking of inviting them over after Mass one Sunday. 
In toddler news, Jr has been fairly miserable. You don't realize how great things have been going until they slip a bit. We believe it's teething since she has a molar coming in. Regardless it hasn't been too pleasant so I hope she gets over whatever it is soon. She's also been getting up really early even though when we put her in her chair to have breakfast she's yawning like crazy. We try bringing her into bed with us in the hopes that she'll go back to sleep but she never does. I know she's tired but it's like she just can't settle down. 

Hoping everyone has a great week,

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