Tuesday 24 July 2012

A Nephew and a Niece

I'm sitting here trying to remember what we did this weekend and I'm having trouble!

Let's see.. Saturday my sister had a baby shower to attend and asked hubby and I to watch our nephew, Little Mister. It happened to be his 2nd birthday! Jr and Little Mister had a great time together. We walked to the nearest restaurant, which is a good 30 minutes from our house. Both kids were as good as gold. At the restaurant the waitress thought Little Mister was Jr's little brother and asked us why we didn't have one stroller with two seats instead of having two separate strollers. Jr was her usual self (i.e. fussy) but after giving her a packet of jam and a spoon, she was very happy. Little Mister wanted the same but just because Jr had it, I think. I have to admit I was proud of how prepared we were and how clean we left everything after the meal. When we got home hubby blew up the kiddy pool my in-laws bought for Jr and while Jr was completely uninterested in it, Little Mister enjoyed himself very much.

Sunday we went to church and afterward went to my parents' to celebrate my niece's 9th birthday. We had offered to have her sleep over at our place that night and take her to the zoo the next day. I think Jr laughed and shrieked the entire way home from my parents' house, just because Meggo Eggos would smile at her. Meggo Eggos managed to stay awake until 11pm -- WAY past our bed time! Everyone woke up with Jr the next day at 7am. Jr was THRILLED to see Meggo Eggos still here. After breakfast we went to the zoo. Unfortunately (for me), it was a hot, sticky day. I can't imagine if we had gone during the day instead of in the morning. Then it was a movie and a board game and then lunch. By the time hubby left to drive Meggo Eggos home, I was utterly exhausted. How can that be? There's no way a 9 year old is more tiring than a 1 year old! Right?

Now it's Tuesday (but feels like Monday) and the week starts all over again. We were supposed to have a visit with Little Monster and her mom but they cancelled. I'm actually kind of glad so that I can do the laundry and go grocery shopping (you know you're not a kid anymore when accomplishing these tasks make you happy).

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